Homeopathic Treatments For Rosacea

Homeopathy is an alternative medical system that originated in Germany in the 18th century. The basis for homeopathy lies in two theories i.e. ‘like cures like’ and ‘the law of minimum dose.’

Like cures like means that a disease can be cured by a treatment regime that causes similar symptoms in healthy individuals. The law of minimum dose espouses the idea that the lower the dose, the more effective the medication. As such, most homeopathic remedies are typically so diluted that no trace of the original molecules can be found in the treatment.

Homeopathic remedies are usually sourced from natural substances such as herbs, plants and minerals. These remedies can come in the form of ointments, creams, gels and tablets. Treatments can be formulated for each person’s unique needs such that people with the same disease may receive different remedies.

Alternative treatment has been used widely and for many years in European countries and in Asia as well. These treatments have been used for conditions such as allergies, skin diseases, chronic illnesses, irritable bowel syndrome and arthritis. Minor conditions such as sprains, muscle strains and cuts can also be treated using homeopathic treatments.

Some studies have shown that highly diluted homeopathic remedies administered by a trained professional are generally safe and have minimal side-effects.

Homeopathic treatment works almost the same way as a vaccine does. However, vaccines contain the pathogen that stimulates the production of antibodies without causing adverse effects while homeopathic remedies do not contain such pathogens.

The formulation of homeopathic treatment considers influences such as a patient’s lifestyle, personality and hereditary factors to cater to the precise needs of each patient.

Homeopathic Treatment for Rosacea

Homeopathic treatment for rosacea largely works according to the severity of the rosacea. Below are the appropriate treatments for each stage:

1. Mild Rosacea

Rosacea can be considered to be mild if you only have a reddened or flushed complexion. Agaricus muscarius is usually recommended to alleviate the redness and itchiness caused by factors such as exposure to cold air. Belladona is also administered to cool down a hot and shiny skin. Here are some more tips on how to deal with Rosacea Acne.

2. Rosacea Acne

In some instances, redness and flushing of the skin can be accompanied by acne cysts that typically appear on the forehead, nose and below the eyes. Psorinum or Silicea may be administered for pus-filled cysts while Eugenia Jambos is suitable for painful and hardened skin.

3. Erythematotelangiectatic Rosace

This type of rosacea is characterized by the appearance of visible blood vessels leading to a bluish, marble-like effect on the face. Carbo vegetabilis is usually prescribed as a homeopathic treatment for rosacea of this nature. Meanwhile, the Lachesis mutus helps to ease the symptoms if your skin is hot.

4. Populopustular Rosacea

This type of rosacea is characterized by thickening of the skin due to a prolonged lack of treatment. The formation of connective tissues beneath the skin usually occurs around the nose to give it a bulbous, engorged appearance. Sarsaparilla officinalis and Hydocotyle asciatica are recommended for this type of rosacea.

5. Ocular Rosacea

Rosacea affecting the eye is considered severe. At this stage, your eyes begin to water, itch, feel hot and have a red appearance. Euphrasia officinalis is usually recommended for ocular rosacea. Cantharis vesicatoria is a good remedy if you have had excessive exposure to the sun while Bovista lycoperdon is recommended if your ocular rosacea has been made worse by cosmetics use.

If your rosacea is caused by excessive consumption of alcohol, your homeopath may recommend Nux Vomica. Homeopathic treatment for rosacea should only be administered by a professional homeopath.

Avoid concocting homeopathic treatments for rosacea by yourself as this can worsen your condition if you do not get the ratios right. Additionally, if you are using alternative medicines such as homeopathic remedies, be sure to tell your medical doctor.

A doctor can help you make wise decisions about using homeopathic treatments and recommend the best homeopaths.​

For more Rosacea-related content, please take a look at our recommendations for makeup for Rosacea, the best lotion for Rosacea or our review of the best facial cleansers for Rosacea.