What exactly causes skin tags is not clear. Although most people will have skin tags at some point in their lifetime, people with diabetes, those who are overweight, or pregnant or are aged 50 or older are more likely to develop skin tags.
Previous research has shown a link between skin tags and diabetes. This does not mean that skin tags are certainly a sign or symptom of diabetes. Indeed, you could have skin tags and not be diabetic at all or you could actually have diabetes and not have any skin tags. In other words, diabetes is only a risk factor for skin tags.
Skin Tags and Diabetes
There is no single reason why diabetes is a risk factor for the formation of skin tags. Some researchers and doctors say the outgrowths could be due to the body’s resistance to insulin. Others have stipulated that it could be because many diabetics also struggle with excessive weight. Those who are overweight have a higher propensity for developing skin tags.
It is a myth that all diabetic people will develop skin tags; this is not a given. In fact, only one out of four people diagnosed with diabetes or show symptoms of diabetes develop skin tags.
Sometimes a person with diabetes and skin tags can have regular insulin levels and this would clear the skin tags or the tags would not proliferate as they had before. Regular insulin levels can reduce the number of tags that appear on a diabetic’s skin.
At the same time, it is entirely possible for diabetics to have tens or even hundreds of skin tags all over the body or concentrated in an area of the body at some point.
Skin Tags and Diabetes Complications
Skin tags are simply small non-cancerous tumors that hang off the skin. These outgrowths can be embarrassing and annoying especially if they develop on a visible part of the body such as the face or neck.
Skin tags are benign and they are not a sign of cancer or even diabetes. However, it is recommended to see a doctor if you think your skin tags are a warning sign for diabetes.
If you are unsure whether you are diabetic, you could look at several symptoms. For example:
- Do you have a history of diabetes in your family?
- Are you overweight?
- Do you have an unhealthy lifestyle i.e. you do not exercise and you eat unhealthily?
Even if you have skin tags alongside these factors, it does not mean that you have diabetes. The only way to know is by getting tested for diabetes.
Failing to treat or control your diabetes can result in numerous complicated health problems and may even cause death.
So, you should definitely see your skin tags as something of a red flag to speak to your doctor about getting tested especially if other underlying factors lead you to suspect that you could have diabetes.
Removing Skin Tags
There are a couple excellent skin tag removal methods. You could have your doctor remove them or use over the counter medications or natural treatments for skin tags.
If you have diabetes and decide to remove the skin tags on your own, you need to consider the possibility of infection. Diabetes slows down the healing process and increases the chances of infections.
In diabetics, infections can easily become very serious very quickly. It is not unusual for these infections to cause life-changing consequences such as requiring a limb to be amputated. Severe infections can also result in death.
Be very careful if you choose to remove skin tags on your own. See your doctor if you suspect something is wrong.
Australian tea tree is a safe way to get rid of skin tags. For best results, apply this natural essential oil formulation directly on the skin tags at least three times a day. It takes between 3 and 6 weeks for the skin tags to completely dry up. This treatment takes long and may not work for everyone but it is a safe alternative and affordable too.
Symptom of A Skin Tag Infection
It is not unusual for a skin tag infection to happen even if you have not tried removing the tags. Irritation caused by clothes and jewelry rubbing, or skin to skin contact can sometimes lead to an infection.
If you have skin tags and diabetes, you need to be extra careful to look out for signs of an infection as soon as possible before it gets out of control.
Here are some signs to watch out for:
Increase in size of skin tag:
An irritated skin tag can grow in size due to flooding of blood flow to the outgrowth.
Look out for even the slightest pain to the touch.
Color change:
Irritation could also cause the skin tag to change color into a bright pick or red. A change of color is a sure sign of irritation and potential infection. See your doctor immediately to ensure the situation does not become worse.
Bleeding may happen in the process of cutting or tying off a skin tag or due to other types of injuries. The amount of blood is usually not too much to handle but you need to take precaution to ensure the tag does not become infected. Irritation coupled with an infection can cause skin tags to begin bleeding profusely because blood comes rushing to an inflamed skin tag. If this happens you should definitely see a doctor to help stop the bleeding, safely remove the skin tags and treat the injury or infection.
If you suspect that your skin tags are telling you something about your health, see your doctor immediately. Research shows an existing link between skin tags and diabetes but just having skin tags alone does not mean you have diabetes. The only way of knowing is by getting tested.
In case you have skin tags and diabetes, you need to take extra precaution to avoid health complications that could arise from infected skin tags. More importantly, if you are diabetic, try as much as possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For more related content, take a look at our content on the best skin tag removal product.